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Custom Web Forms Infusionsoft

Comparison with InfusionsoftInfusionsoft offers powerful marketing automation, but it can take months of training and expensive contractual commitments to harness this power. Agile CRM packs powerful sales and marketing functionality with a remarkably intuitive interface. With zero upfront costs and no training required, it's up and running in minutes!Let's compare Infusionsoft and Agile in each segment to see how they perform.InfusionsoftAgileCRM FeaturesMarketing AutomationPricing & PlansPlans start from $199 + setup feePlans start from $9.99 + No setup feeTimeline for SetupAt least 1 MonthFew hours. EmailingInfusionsoft and Agile both offer robust emailing platform to their users. Agile provides much more advanced email personalization with conditional logic through mustache and also offers link personalization in emails. To avoid any deliverability issues, Agile uses third party providers with an uptime guarantee of 100% for email while Infusionsoft relies on their own providers.InfusionsoftAgileEmail Templates & ThemesEmail PersonalizationMore advanced with conditional logicA/B TestingMuch more simplifiedLink Personalization. IntegrationsWith free telephony integrations in Agile, you can now integrate your VoIP, Twilio accounts and directly call, receive, record and analyze your calls directly from your browser.


You can also use Agile's api to create custom integrations for yourself.Infusionsoft doesn't offer VoIP and the ability to install custom integrations and so solidifies the fact that Agile is a very good Infusionsoft alternative.InfusionsoftAgileSIP Integration-Web formsGravity Forms, Unbounce, Infusionsoft forms, Gravity FormsEmail SyncOutlook, Google Apps, IMAPCustom Widgets.

It is often helpful to get a notification when a web form is filled out by a contact. However, the default notifications in Infusionsoft can be less than useful. In fact, the only part you can customize is the subject line! This trick gives you the ability to create a completely custom notification email that includes all of the contact information you want.

Infusionsoft Crm Software

Disable web form notificationThe first step is to disable the built-in web form notification. Edit your web form, go to the settings tab, and make sure the Send an Email To: field is blank.Create a follow-up sequenceNext, create a sequence after your web form in your campaign and add an email to it.

How To Add Custom Fields In Infusionsoft

This sequence will send your notification email.Change the To: field to your email address. You can use merge fields to put contact info into the subject line and the body of the message.Mark your email and sequences as ready, and publish your campaign. What happens next?When your contact fills out the web form they’ll move through your campaign to the notification sequence. Infusionsoft will fill in your merge fields with their details, then send the email to you.And that is it!

You now have a completely customized web form notification email.